Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Its dope.  

This one sounded like it could be a good movie and built up the anticipation enough with the trailers and delivered.  

The story goes as this guy Eddie Morra who is a loser.  Looks like a bum, behind on his rent, his bitch left him, he didn't have any income or any future hope to fix that, his game was shitty, just overall at the bottom of his life .  Then along comes a figure who was in and out this movie quickly. An old relative of his ex-wife his ex-brother in law.  Dude looks like a sleeze ball with loot and Eddie knew dude was a sleeze ball.  This ex-brother in law plays the friendly route like a true dealer and puts ol' Eddie up on the new shit.  A designer drug called MDT.  First one is always free.  You'll be back nigga.  Oh, take this card and keep in touch.

Now MDT is some real fly shit.  Its designed to stimulate the brain's receptors to make the user a an extremely enhanced version of themself.  Tighter mentally and verbally Eddie can game any breezee, connect the dots in his once scattered memory, figure out advanced mathematical equations, come up with complex formulas in dealing with the stock markets, and finish a book he had writers block on in one day, and a bunch of mo shit.  He learned of these abilities after he macked up the landlord's wife while halting her bitching about the rent and focused on what she was really unhappy about which he observed in this beezies presence.  He took her down and helped her with her homework.  So dudes game is on point all because of MDT. It enhances the users own abilities by say 100 percent given Eddie's condition before taking that shit.

So his bro-in law has the connect but has problems.  Thoughtfully he tried not to involve Eddie with that shit before his demise.  He gets murked and Eddie inherits some of his ex-bro in law's shit following his demise, some cash, a book, and the MDT stash.  That stash is upwards of 150 pills in a baggie so he was grateful.  He starts taking those pills daily and with the help of some of his ex-bro guap Eddie's game starts bubbling.  Money starts coming in, he gets fly, bitches start liking him, people generally want to fuck with this dude because he is brilliant, while on MDT.

Eddie's begins to feel this drug maybe attracting negative elements and it does.  People are watching and following this dude.  And on top of that he is taking some shit made in a lab so he begins to learn about side effects.  I would say it's like any drug's side effects from the junkies I seen.  Your gonna lose something teeth, looks, or your life.  So Eddie starts to weigh his new artificial powers against the consequences of his new habit and he has a few examples of former users of the drug to help any of his decisions. 

The thing about this movie is you wonder how it will end.  If he runs out of those pills he runs out of game and Eddie knew that.  How will he maintain the heights he reached via MDT.  Will he completely fall off, die, find another dealer?  Watch it your damn self because I ain't telling you shit!

All in all this is one of the best movies of the year.  I wasn't disappointed at all in this one.  The story worked well and I was cool with the ending. I liked it.

My Rating:

On a similar note, I recently had a conversation with a young lady about this.  Being on point comes from within yourself.  Outside influences may assist in you getting sharper but ultimately you have to get you together by knowing yourself to reach your full potential.  Fucking with dope isn't the answer.  You may open new avenues in your mind but those avenues can be reached without the drugs if you work on it.  I once heard if you are bored then you aren't using your mind.  I felt that shit when I read it because I entertain myself with my thoughts daily be they humorous or noteworthy.

I got quote for your ass too

"Inside a mine is where gold is found."
Afrikan proverb

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Mesrine: Killer Instinct

Un film de gangster (A gangster movie)

This is a biopic on Jacques Mesrine a french gangster who made public enemy number 1, in France, in his heyday.   Never heard of this dude before but he's legit.  

This is a gangster movie where the bad guy doesn't die or go to jail in the end.  At least not in this movie, which is part1.  He has been called the french John Dillinger by some.  Mesrine was thieving conniving, murderous motherfucker.  One scene where Jacques and his homie, who put him on, were robbing a house and the owners came.   

My favorite scene:  

It was an old couple.  They came in on these dudes who crow barred the door open and were in the process of stealing gold, guns, and some mo shit.  

A thief will kill when they think they are about to get caught.  In the middle of a robbery  Jacques homie thought they were done for and I took it he was about to start busting his heat and/or beating this old couple to death. Jacques was cool headed and a quick thinker.  They weren't dressed like thieves they were actually business casual.   Once the couple came in the door they seen the Jacques by their safe with a bag, unbeknownst to them to be full of their shit.  They were shocked and the window of opportunity was only open for a few seconds..  Jacques told them he was the police, a detective a that, and they had just been robbed.  His partner came down with a bag, full of their shit as well.  Jacques asked him if he collected all the evidence and fingerprints and if he was ready.  His partner said yes and Jacques bounced with their shit right in front of them and told them to call the such and such precinct tomorrow after they went over all the evidence and walked out with their shit in front of them.  I though that was a player move on the fly.

Homie was robbing banks, killing, macking new breezies up in his travels.  Jacques went to prison got treated fucked up in their.  He broke out of prison.  Tried to come back a help his partners who helped him break out.  He was a raw frenchman.

Oh yeah its subtitled and in French.  There was a dubbed in english version on the disc, but I only like watching my karate flicks like that and didn't want it to lose its essence.  Good movie though

My rating

Saturday, March 26, 2011



Again, I must warn you, I may be bias to the Super White Girl genre movie that this movie fits in but this is wack.  I didn't really like the other ones but they were decent.  This one seemed to be half assed to me.  Like this shit coulda went straight to Syfy channel special movie of the week or something similar.

They are taking this 3D shit to far like that famous played out Matrix camera trick.  Okay,  I admit its dope to see but don't have a week ass verse and end it with a dope punchline and expect me to be like "that's tight".

The story is regular as fuck.   Zombies are taking over. Okay. We gotta save these folks over here.  Okay okay I get it shits fucked up and the day needs to be saved.  What fucks this up for me is the same thing that fucks up all Super White Girl movies for me.  THE BULLSHIT!  I don't know the exact weight on the lead but she isn't more than 115 pounds after eating a #1 from McDonald's and just coming out of a pool with clothes on.   I don't care what special serum this bitch was given I'm not buying this little white girl beating up a 10 foot tall 450 lb beast wielding a hammer that belong on cables on a demolition site.  

And then there's this nigga

He can dodge bullets but not the infamous white boy rush. Really?  You can see 9mm bullets coming but not the angry white boy charging you from 15 feet away. 
Disclaimer:  I may be underestimating the white boy rush.

All in all this is the worst of the Resident Evil franchise in my book.  They don't look like they plan on stopping either.
My Rating

Sunday, March 20, 2011

For Colored Girls

Finally got around to it.

On the fly review Im still watching it

I like to support blacks but goddamn.  Im an hour into this shit and it is without the blow'dest shit I have seen in the last 12 months of my life.  This nigga Tyler Perry has a knack for making some over the top black soap opera shit.

This is the most concentrated niggas-aint-shit-promotion that has been put out, in the last decade, IMO.  Not familiar with where this came from, maybe a play or a perhaps a book(not googling the shit either), but this is crazy.  I don't know where to begin on the craziness.  You got alcoholic wifebeaters, downlow niggas, niggas stealing money from they wives, baby killing niggas, rapists, you think of some negative shit and it might be the next character introduced.

All the women are having or have had major issues with these dudes so far and I am only an hour into the movie

.....to be continued


Okay so I finished this movie and he didn't let up with the drama.  I can say that there is one brotha in this movie who didn't have a shady character, the character played by Hill Harper.  Although I was suspecting Hill's character to put up with an illegitimate child by white woman at any time given the direction of this movie. To Tyler's credit this movied took a turn from the normal Tyler Perry styled- bad dark skinned black guy vs. the good wholesome savior light skinned black guy- that is throughout the majority of Tyler's movies.  All the brothas, light and dark, except one, were on some shady shit.  

He comes with the drama on this one.  Like a soap opera and I know that this is, like the title, geared towards (colored) girls.  Women will accept this a lot more than men will.  A lot of the shit I seen in this one had me like "come on nigga".  To put it in a nutshell, I would say you would have to have sat in group rehabilitation meetings for batter women for about a year to run into the shit that is going on with female characters in this movie.  But magically all these women were going through it concurrently and they were all connected in some way.

Not necessarily the men.  Women will be into this one its more focused on issues black women have with their relationship(s) with black men.  I found most of the men characters to be extra'd out like a maf**ka.  About  4 "come on nigga"'s come to mind throughout this movie.

On a brighter side, the acting was on point nothing wrong with the performances in this one.  I think all the women in this one were good in their roles.  Tyler does employ a lot of black talent that seemingly get shelved and/or forgotten about.  That is one thing I love about what he does.   

My favorite of his movies would be Daddy's Girls with Idris Elba.  But this shit... its not it.  The fix for black male negativity should be straight for about 2 years for him after this one.  None of the brothas he puts on for the next 2 years of movie making should have a cough, scuffed sneaker, wrinkle in a shirt, food particle left in teeth, let alone any character flaws in any of his movies for the next 2 years behind this one.

My Rating
2.75/5  The culmination of drama and too many fucked up black male characters shot this one for me, but good acting nonetheless.

As it has been said before "Images Shape Your Reality"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I wasn't feeling this one!

Maybe because I felt it was going to be a good ass comedy. All the ingredients were right for this one 2 of the top Judd Apatow players  John C. Reilly, Jonah Hill, and they even found Marisa Tomei. With the track record of Reilly and Hill I thought this was going to be one of those sleeper comedies but something just didn't work out right.  I feel it was the directors fault.

John (Reilly's character) meets Molly (Tomei's character) at a party his ex-wife told him to go to after she caught him masturbating.  John gets with Molly and she has a bit of a secret.  Secret comes out and its her son Cyrus (Hill's character) living at home with her.  He has attachment issues and end up attempting to sabotage their relationship.

All in all I wasn't feeling the movie.  Funny parts here and there but its better shit out there.  You can go back and see Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story with John Reilly that was funny and a sleeper. 

My Rating 
2.5/5  it wasn't it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mr. Brooks


 Something like a KO punch that snuck past the guard.  That low key spot that doesn't have the biggest crowds but is always poppin.  The seemingly regular breezee who revealed a bad ass body once she got undressed.  

Yeah I liked this one! Okay so I just seen this one.  It came out around 2007 and I don't remember hearing shit about it.  I threw it in the queue, got it, popped it in, and it had me from the gate. 

The breakdown on it goes as a regular guy, no not really regular, let me say.....a man who you wouldn't suspect of doing the shit he does.  Mr Brooks is a highly suscessful businessman and you learn that the first 5 mins into it once he gets a Man of the Year honor in his city .  You also learn that dude is "down low" nut job.  A crazy bastard.  Dude is a schizophrenic/psycho and doesn't show that side of him at all to his family or friends.  The only person who knows who fucking crazy he is Marshall.

You first see Marshall in the car when Mr. Brooks is in a conversation with his wife and BAM some dude is in the backseat.  Not knowing what the movie is about I'm hoping dude isn't going to kill or try to kill anybody because I would have wrote this movie off as bullshit because they shoulda seen this big dude in the backseat.  I didn't give a fuck what the conversation was about "Hey, big creepy nigga in the backseat lets call the cops and not get in the car" is what the scenario shoulda been had that been the case.  

Then Marshall and Mr. Brooks start talking. Mr Brooks' wife isn't in the conversation.  In fact, Mr. Brooks isn't even talking out loud.  This is a conversation he is having in his mind and Marshall is only in existence in Mr. Brooks' mind.

Okay so this niggas crazy. 

Moving on.  Mr. Brooks is a serial killer and Marshall is like that monkey on his back edging him to kill.  Marshall is like the devil and Mr. Brooks has to play himself and the angel to counter Marshall's sinisterosity (Don King moment).  Marshall is like those thirsty internet dudes all they want is ass, except all he wants is the next kill.  Mr Brooks goes to AA meeting to stifle this dude in his head.  Marshall is at the meeting with him talking shit because he doesn't want to be there.  He wants to go on the hunt with his host he's living in.

Like I said CRAZY but not stupid.  Mr Brooks and his alter ego/other personality Marshall and brilliant at what they do.  Something like a perfect tandem.  Whatever Mr Brooks isn't picking up on Marshall is on it.  But Mr. Brooks slips up and gets into a bit of a pickle with some newly acquired baggage and has to elude a little turmoil

I ain't giving up any more info. Wouldn't want to fuck this movie up for any potential viewers because I thought it was dope.  

Don't know why a sequel hasn't been made yet.  But the story would have to be right because the story here was on point.  Wouldn't want to rush that sequel and fuck up the essence on this one.
Good Story.  Good Acting.  Good Direction.

My Rating

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Next Three Days

Its a thriller.

This is a real touchy rubby dubby what would you do for love type movie.  

You have a couple Lara Brennan and John Brennan(Russel Crowe) doing what couples do.  One day the both of them are chilling at the house playing with their toddler son then you hear KNOCK KNOCK.  John gets the door and the next thing you know the police with their invasive asses bum rush the house and bump his broad up for murder. 

She goes to jail and the next thing you know you see him and his son who is at least 5 years older now going to visit her in prison.  So her ass got bumped up for murder and I think the bitch did it.  They showed a clip with her getting into it with her boss and the next thing you know the boss(a woman) catches an extinguisher to the head and shes outta there.  So her ass exhausted her appeals and isn't getting out.  Shits looking bleak.

Worry not, this is where shit gets interesting.  John who has an issue of letting Lara's ass go then hollas at some ex-prison escapee who gained fame from him circumventing skills.  So he gets some info out of dude(small appearance by Liam Neeson-Taken) for a price and he gets to thinking.  Thinking about what?  Well, breaking his wife outta prison.  Thats right he is going for the gusto.  

This dude starts plotting and planning and studying all types of shit and comes up with the master plan to break his broad outta prison.  Stupid and crazy as hell but dude actually feels it is absolutely necessary for him to free his wife from a life behind bars.  Ahhhhhh and that sweet.

Whats even more blowed is he actually does the shit.  It didn't go quite as smooth as the plan but he did it.  Now all he has to do is stay free and alive.

Replacing her ass would've been whole lot easier but wouldn't have made for an a interesting movie

My Rating 
3/5 ....Shit was disappointing and kinda weak

The Crazies

Its a good horror flick.

Cargo Plane with hazardous chemicals on board crashes in a small towns lake/water supply and turns town folk casually homicidal. Military find out the planes location and do a lock down on the town that doesn't go so well the first time.  The town rebelled and the military upped the ante on getting control of the situation.

Nothing spectacular on this one its just a solid piece.

My Rating

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

127 Hours

Good Movie.

This is based on a true story about a man who went on a hiking expedition in the middle of a desert that didn't go his way.  Aron played by James Franco(Spiderman, Pineapple Express) goes off into on an expedition and doesn't tell anybody homie just got up and bounced.  He met some young ladies while in this desert.  Became their escort in a way and took the girls off and got em to go swimming with him in dope pool of water that was in cut, literally. To get to this pool you have to do some Spiderman/Jackie Chan shimmying through a canyon and then drop about 40 feet to land in the pool beneath it.  They went swimming and later the girls were going to bounce and go home but they invited Aron to come to a party before they bounced.  He lightweight macked em up in his crazy white way.

He was feeling like a G.  He was gonna go knock out the rest of his expedition and go home.  At least that was the plan.  Homie got to heading back to camp took an adventurous, but totally fucked route.  While crawling, climbing, and jumping around a small canyon he jumped on something he thought was stable and it wasn't.  Now to illustrate the situation a bit better let me say he fucked up.  He landed on a rock and the rock fell.  He fell with the rock.  They both landed at the bottom of this canyon that was just about under 3ft wide and 60 ft deep.  The rock landed on his ass and trapped his arm. 

He couldn't move the rock which I would say weighed about 300 lbs. Yeah your fucked unless your MacGuyver homie.  Dude came to the realization that it was his ass in the canyon and starts thinking about how he didn't talk to his Mom when she called and all kinds of shit that happened in his life.  

Felling like it was his doom if he didn't get free he never stopped trying to get free.  Which was commendable and inspiring.  Im not telling the ending but I'll say it was a good movie.

My rating

Monday, March 7, 2011



I didn't have shit to do when I watched this. I didn't  look forward to this and I didn't really want to see it.  I got to watching it and it was exactly what I though it would be.  A SUPER WHITE GIRL MOVIE.  The action was pretty good though I will say that.

Suspension of disbelief is not one of my best abilities.  I didn't do too good watching stupid ass cartoon where there is a one character chasing another and shit just never goes its way(i.e. roadrunner and coyote).  And I don't do well with Super white girl movies.  Something about a 100lb white girl whipping ass, doing spiderman stunts, and being indestructible is something that I right off as bullshit.  The upside is if it has an excellent script with dope dialogue or some other X factor I will allow it to win me over.  It didn't happen here.

Little frail looking African baby taking Angelina Jolie beating up grown ass highly trained and lethal men is not something Im accepting. I dont give a shit what you say.

This is something like that Resident Evil chick but just a regular old non genetically altered girl.  She is spy in this one, or a double agent or even a double double agent.  She manages to get away from the police and top trained CIA soldiers too many times in this movie.  She gets shot, jumps blindly on to moving trucks trailers on the freeway,  when she get tired of one trailer she leaps onto an adjacent trailer all while moving, this bitch can climb buildings, the bitch can leap from pillar to post in an elevator shaft all while without getting injured in the slightest.  Fuck that

My rating
3/5  - because it is decent but I ain't buying the super white girl bullshit.  

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Mechanic

Okay, about 2 months back I was watching an old ass Charles Bronson movie.  I was in the mood for cold hearted vicious murdering muthafucka main character type of movie.  The movie was made in the 70's and was a bit slow but  it was legitimately good.  Charles played a hit man which is called a mechanic(because he fixes problems).

In the middle of watching this movie I was wondering why Hollywood hadn't done a remake of this movie because the shit was dope.  Exactly 2 days later I catch the trailer for the remake on television.  I seen Jason Statham(of Snatch, Crank, Death Race) in it and it looked to have a bit more action than the original.  Of course that meant more explosions and adrenaline rushing music which made me a bit weary.  I was hoping they didn't slack on the script and try and compensate with a bunch of hoopla bullshit.  But I wanted to see it nonetheless.

So I watched it.  The original was better.

In a nut shell the mechanic is a hitman hired by an agency who put coded ads in newspapers.  He calls inquiring about the job, gets it, studies the target to a T, and executes the target.  The kills must be done in a way that it looked natural and that there wasn't hit put out on the target. The mechanic(Statham) has a friendship with an agent of the company who hires him for work.  This friend becomes a target he has to execute and he does.  The target has a son, who is an asshole/fuck up, and the mechanic takes him under his wing.  They do jobs together and the son eventually finds out who killed his father.

This is a typical action flick.  It had the chance to be as good as the original but somewhere the film just wasn't gonna make it to that level. 

The script was so so.  The kills in this  movie were above average though.  It had some good kills but that was supplementary for whatever else was lacking.

This is good enough to watch but nothing spectacular.

My rating
3.25/5 stars

Friday, March 4, 2011


This is a movie where you can predict a lot of deaths.  White people + Remote location in middle of forest + big ass uncharted = deaths. At least on the big screen.

White people see a damn cave and the gotta jump in.  Danger is like a magnet for white folks.

The base of the story is there is this big ass cave/hole in the ground with some unexplored parts that NEEDS to be explored. 

You got a team headed by a top notch diver/explorer Frank McGuire in the middle of a rain forest or what have you.  His son, Josh, is there to follow in his footsteps.  You also have about 5 other miscellaneous unimportant figures going along also and off the back I can tell some of them are going to die. And low and behold within the first 20 mins someone fucked up and died.

The cave is big as shit and deep as hell on the outside looking in.  Not only does the cave just look scary it has underwater caves in it to.  But you have to go through small ass tunnels and other obstacle and shit to get to these underwater caves.  Why the fuck would you want to do that? That isn't the mindset of the people who want to be the first in anything.

Overall the movie is average.  They threw the 3d effects on it to make cooler but don't sprinkle sugar and syrup on shit and tell me its pancakes.

my rating
2.5/5 stars

Thursday, March 3, 2011


This is an English film mate! No blacks in the cast but it still has a lot nigga-rishness in it.

This film is about a 17 year-old boy, Joshua "J" Cody, who moves in with his loser/gangster-criminal family after his mom dies of a heroin overdose.  Obviously his mom wasn't the best role-model if she dies of a heroin overdose in the living room.  After dem folks came and got her body he called his grandma, who up until this point hasn't heard from him of his mother and for good reason.  He told his grandma of the news in a bit of a cold ass way for son who lost his mother and she said she was coming to get him and his things so J could move in with her.

So his grandma gets him to the house and immediately you get introduced to 3 of his uncles who all stay in this house with his overly loving grandmother, his uncles' mother.  He has one uncle, Darren, who is only a few years older than him but dude aint really the rah rah type he seems to be down only because of relation.  Another uncle, Craig, is a paranoid coke head who is the live wire type.  The alpha uncle, Barry, who seems to be the boss amongst his siblings as he is the major bread winner via drugs, the stock market and other shit.  There is also another uncle, Pope, is a nutcase who you don't immediately meet because he is hiding from a tactical police murder squad, some vice type shit. Okay so his OVERLY loving grandmother raised all these no goods and doesn't care what they turned out to be she just loves being around them and is proud of em.  

Now you have all the ingredients for a ain't shit family to corrupt an impressionable youth.  So the story progresses as the uncle who is hiding out, Pope, who has the house under watch by a car of cops at all times meets with Barry the alpha sibling at a shop for a secret meeting.  After the meeting between Pope and Barry, the cops who have been following all the uncle in hopes to catch Pope shot Barry in his car in the parking lot of where they meeting took place.  On some classic black man with a red toothbrush "lookout hes got a gun" shit except it was a white dude with no toothbrush  Pope hears this as he just split from meeting with him and is struck.

The news gets to the rest of the family and they do their grieving.  But that is not the end,  these dudes are buck so shit gets real.  They end up setting up some random police officers with a decoy stolen car and pop both their asses.  The decoy car is stolen by J which was commissioned by Pope in his role model role.  Now they got away because they did it real slick like.

The cops know their brother/uncle just got killed by some cops and figure that the household is responsible.  They bring em all in for questioning.  The get at J because he is the most likely to crack in this situation being that he is the youngest at 17.  J holds up under the questioning but doesn't get released with the rest of his uncles.  This causes suspicions amongst his uncles.  Wandering if he told Pope is keeping a close eye on J and his beezy.  

Pope gets real paranoid after the cops continue to fuck with J and he isn't sure if J is thorough enough to stay down in the faces of pressure.  A particular detective is edging on the situation more.  Pope gets shadier and shadier the more the movie goes on and turns into an asshole extraordinaire.  

The family is under heat for the cop murder and they don't want to go to jail and won't by any means necessary.  That includes taking a member of the fam out if need be. 

The overall movie is decent 
I give it:
3.75 / 5 stars