Thursday, August 9, 2012



This shit go hard AF!  I was thoroughly  impressed at the end of this movie.  Action wise it was on point.  They didn't try to compensate substance for flash with the action either cus the story was dope AF.  And as far as villains go Bain was a mothafucker!

I was happy when this wasn't that predictable. The story got deep.  Then it got a little more deeper to the point where I was thinking "Damn! Aint no way Batman getting out of this shit."  But, of course, this is a Batman movie.  Batman is the good guy who is obligated to be the savior so I know those people in Hollywood wouldn't fuck up a perfectly good friday night with a depressing story of how Gotham got smashed on.  They couldn't do that, right?

Bruce Wayne is chilling like an old billionaire whose old hobby was whiquite pping criminals asses and there are no more asses to whip.  In comes Bain who is bigger than him, just as fast, stronger, and DGAF about nothing but carnage and shit of the like.  And this dude hates Batman/Bruce Wayne, and he knows who the two are the same.   Bain gets to doing shit where the inner hero of Batman has to fuck him up, or at least try lmao.

Bruce Wayne is like an ex-football player in this one.  Still young in age, in normal people years, but his body is beat the hell up.  Walks with a cane and shit.  But he still got paper tho, and he has Morgan Freeman's expertise scientists at his disposal so he fixes this beat up dude nicely with gadgets and some more fly shit.  

Batman hits the treadmill and does some push ups and he goes at Bain.  Hard!  Trouble is this dude Bain is a beast with his and goes harder than anybody Batman ever got down with.  Plus he was waiting for Batman.  Batman had bitch ass people on his team, so indeed they set him up.  Batman gets down with Bain and eats the worst ass whipping I can recall a dude getting his on movie since Rocky got fucked up the first time he fought Mr. T in Rocky III. Well damn, is what the theater says in unison (I checked this out in other showings and found this to be true, check it out)  

Bain coulda murdered Batman, with ease.  So he's more than a formidable foe.  Bain is beast and he now has to be acknowledged as such.

Im not spoiling the rest of the movie, just giving some insight.

My rating 5/5
Check it out and see for yourself though.

1 comment:

  1. Great review...very thorough. I know i'm hella late, but thanks for not spoiling this one for me. I'm not really a movie goer and with the shooting that happened, I most definitely opted for the bootleg version. I still haven't watched this new Batman, but the breakdown you gave makes me want to see this. Thanks again
