Sunday, April 10, 2011



Switchblade Sisters (aka The Jezebels)

Every once in a while I like to get a laugh and watch old movies (1970's and earlier).  Not all old movies are corny but I get a good laugh out of each one.  Something about the overly seriousness behind a chessy ass line in that era that hits my stomach hard with a humor punch.
I heard of this one in a song and checked it out because the name sounded cool.  After reading up a bit on it it turns out it's what some call a "cult classic".  A cult classic is one of those movies that have a specific set of fans (i.e. Cheech and Chong movies, Ferris Bueler's Day Off type of 'ish, The Warriors,).  The movie may not have the best type of plot/story but the shit is interesting and liked by a large enough following.  So I went on ahead and put it in the queue.

Its about a gang of broads, the Dagger Debs,  who are like the first ladies to a gang of dudes, the Silver Daggers.  All these bitches carry switchblades and they are white girl wit it.  They all hit up a burger spot and punk some folks off a table.  One girl ain't moving, Maggie.  Some bitch named Patch(because this broad wears an eyepatch) is pressing the issue.  Maggie throws pepper in that bitch Patch's good eye then wraps her jacket around her hand, has a blade in her opposite hand and proceeds to get into the old school classic "come oooooonnnn" stance.  I thought that shit was funny.  Apparently, so did the leader Lace, so she didn't give the call to fuck her up like her group was on standby for the call.  I recently came to the belief this is where director Quentin Tarantino came up with that idea in Kill Bill when Kiddo plucked that other bitches eyeball out given this is one of his favorites.  It was fucked up both times, but funny both times.

As it progresses of course Maggie gets put on with the Dagger Deb's and is in good graces with the leader but that Patch bitch still doesn't like her ass for that pepper trick.  And that's a good reason.  If I had only one eye don't throw water near my face and not expect an one-eyed Jack ass whooping coming your way, don't throw with two good ones, but pepper is an automatic fuck up.  Patch didn't get to see that fuck up come to fruition so she just ain't like Maggie.  Patch further done the line throws salt on Maggie by telling the leader she is sleeping with her man the leader of the Silver Daggers.


It leads to a silhouette'd knife fight and murder

And voila, you have that 70's shit (pictured above).  Its one of those so bad its kinda good movies.

This movie has some raw parts to it that wouldn't make its way to the theaters now.  It even had some stereotypical militant 70's blacks in it who were all about sticking it to the capitalists pigs.  I enjoyed this shit.  70's movies are funny as shit to me.  This is when dudes had tight jeans because that was the only shit on sell.  They didn't go looking for em. Mandatory vs. Preference. My how we have progressed as a society.

My Rating

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