Sunday, January 16, 2011

Frankie And Alice

Halle Berry gives a performance for every crazy bitch in America to look up to.

I thought she did a great job acting in this one.  I never seen Monsters Ball......Okay, okay, okay, in it's entirety.  I seen the scene and that was some soft core porn, period.  Not to take away from her performance in the scene, it was entertaining, but she did her thing(no pun intended) in this new movie.

Back on the topic.  She plays a schizo n this movie.  To be more specific she has dissociative personality disorder, google it for details.

She has 3 roles to play in this movie and she does all well.  There is Frankie, which most would consider to be a hoe/exotic dance.  There is Alice, a country white woman who cant stand niggers, whodathunk?. And genius, a young child.  This role requires some talent as you would guess and being a seasoned and talented actress, Halle delivered.

Just like most crazy bitches Halle's character Frankie has some issues she didn't get over when she was in her childhood/teens.  Unable to cope with the reality of a few traumatic experiences in her early ages Frankie developed alter personalities-Genius and Alice.

A doctor took a liking to her when she came in the crazy house he worked at after she was found in the middle of the street with half a tiddy out in some 70's cowgirl outfit or some shit.  This wasn't the first time she'd been at the crazy house but he started to see pattern in her behavior that raised a flag to him.  Well one thing leads to another, somebody got cut by one of the crazy bitches in her head and voila, the doctor is out to cure her.

Its a cool movie and look for her to be nominated for her performance in this role.


  1. I need a person that does movie reviews and commentary. Would you mind if I took snippets of your post and put them on my site, of course giving you credit and linkage to the full review here?

    Let me know..Thanks,
    Content / Program Director - ChronicCast Radio
